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NYSCRA Screening!

Join us on July 31st for a special screening of For the Record, presented by

the New York State Court Reporters Association!  This screening will take

place during the week of NCRA's national convention, less than 2 miles from

the convention hotel.  This in not an NCRA event or seminar.


This screening of For the Record will be unique in a few ways - 

The Q&A session after the screening will include MANY stenolebrities from

the film, including Dee Boenau, Stan Sakai, Kathryn Thomas, Michael Scire, Richard Scire and more.  Just added...Mark Kislingbury!


Those who attend will get an advanced online screening (later this year) of a short film (fiction) from director Marc Greenberg - that casts a stenographer in the lead role.  Those who attend will get their names in the credits of the short film!


This will be a unique screening experience!  We're also going to show and talk about what we have in mind for the next edit of the film (we'll be doing more filming while in New York).


Prices - Professionals - $30 - Students - $20 


Where - Helen Mills Theatre - 137 W 26th St, New York, NY 10001

When - 7/31 - 8:30-10:30 pm


TICKET UPDATE - 7/30/15!!

This event is sold out at this time.  That said, a few tickets may open up within 

the next 24 hours.  If you'd like to be notified of open tickets, please text

Marc at 818-642-9331 - let him know how many tickets you need.

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